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Jenni Baird Talks About Her Character on The 4400
Groshan Fabiola
The fourth season premiere of The 4400 featured the new head of the National Threat Assessment Command (NTAC) as Meghan Doyle. Who she is and where she came from, we all do not know as of the moment, but the actress who plays the role, Jenni Baird, was kind enough to let us in on a little trivia regarding her character.
In a conversation with TVGuide last week, the Australian actress said that she believes her character is “quite different from everybody else” and she is very much looking forward to how people will react to her.
Little is known of the character as of now, however, the first episode presented her as a strong woman who wasn’t afraid to go and bend, if not break some rules. Meghan was also immediately put in action when she chased Grahan Holt (played by Cameron Bright), a new character in the series.
“I was running in a parking lot right off the bat, watching Tom load his gun! (Meghan) doesnt have any of that kind of experience, so she really has to just run with it without much prep,” Baird said of her characters action sequence. “But shes not one of those tightly wound characters; shes not a stiff corporate type.”
Baird adds that her character on The 4400 is more of an intellectual person, thus viewers can always catch her “improvising as she goes”.
Another angle yet to be explored in the fourth season of the series is Meghan’s relationship with NTAC Agent Tom Baldwin (played by Joel Gretsch). Baird said that at one point, there will be a romantic spark between Meghan and Tom, however she said that the show need not rush things as Tom just lost his beloved Alana (Karina Lombard) and is still in the process of healing.
Baird added that in comparison to the former NTAC director, Nina Jervis (Samantha Ferris), Meghan is not “strict and stern” like her predecessor. Also, Meghan’s personal life will be explored in the series as well, something that wasn’t done with Ferris’ character.
Baird explained, “Come episode 2 or 3, you see Meghan dealing with her father being on deaths door, you see a more emotional side to her.”
Baird’s previous production credits include Metropolis, Justice and Conviction.
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