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Submitted by: Katie Perry
You could be seeking plastic surgery for any number of reasons. Before going under the knife, however, you should first discuss your motivations in depth with a trusted and qualified surgeon. The importance of this discussion is paramount, and its purpose is twofold: First, the surgeon will need to determine whether your goals are in fact possible to achieve through surgery. And second, the surgeon must evaluate whether you are a good candidate for the procedure sought and, if so, whether you could actually benefit from having the surgery performed.
Good and Bad Reasons to Have Plastic Surgery
By and large, plastic surgery might be an option for you if you are generally healthy and your goal is to subtly enhance your appearance. For example, if want to change a specific genetic feature that you dont like, such as the shape of your nose, or if you think you always look tired, angry, or old even when you dont feel that way an appropriate cosmetic procedure might help you.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a way to prevent the demise of a personal relationship, please your partner, or resemble your favorite celebrity, plastic surgery is not the answer. Although this might seem like a letdown, it can potentially save you from going through a major disappointment later on, along with the risks and potential complications of surgery. Instead, a better strategy would be to focus on the deeper issues that have prompted your wish to alter your appearance.
A Slippery Slope
Sometimes, a prospective patient will cite a desire to be liked, noticed, or accepted by others as the reason for seeking plastic surgery. While these aspirations are common and natural, and plastic surgery might be a viable way to achieve them, they can also quickly create a very slippery slope. Remember that appearance ideals often change drastically over time, and societys views on what is considered attractive are dictated in large part by the artificially enhanced media. If a patient chooses plastic surgery in an effort to achieve a look that is currently fashionable, he or she is essentially chasing a moving target, and therefore might never be truly satisfied. As a result, he or she might continually seek more and more surgery in an attempt to reach a goal that is simply unattainable.
This type of motivation can lead to an unhealthy obsession or addiction to plastic surgery. Youve probably seen photos of people like the infamous Cat Woman of New York and the late pop star Michael Jackson, for whom plastic surgery had unfortunately become a sad habit. Of course, when performed on the right patient by a highly skilled and qualified surgeon, a procedure like a facelift or rhinoplasty can result in a natural-looking, youthful, and pleasing appearance. Alternatively, when performed multiple times or taken to extremes in an effort to achieve perfection, the results can be disastrous.
A decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure should always be made with careful consideration. While it cannot be expected to change your life, alter your personality, make you look like someone else, or solve your personal problems, plastic surgery can improve your appearance, enhance your confidence, and add to your sense of well being when it is done for the right reasons. The best way to ensure a successful result is to have realistic expectations and work with a highly skilled and artistically gifted surgeon.
Consult with Board Certified Surgeon
If you are considering plastic surgery, you might first attempt to achieve the results you want through non-invasive approaches such as diet, exercise, skincare, and the like. Should you decide to explore your surgical options, its advisable to schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. To help you judge the surgeons artistic eye and skillful touch which will help to ensure the most natural-looking result ask to see before and after photos of patients for whom he or she has performed the procedure. This will also facilitate clearer communication by allowing you to better articulate your aesthetic goals. With a full understanding of your objectives, the surgeon can then determine whether your expectations are realistic and evaluate whether plastic surgery is an appropriate means to achieve them.
About the Author: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about
plastic surgery
topics and procedures including breast augmentation, liposuction, and more.
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