By Kristy Klien
Most women who have straight hairs want to try having curls occasionally. Through curling they can achieve a new look. You might be wondering why someone who has a perfect straight hair would want to curl her hair. Well, it is simply because women love to experiment, they want to try different looks from time to time.
Women with straight hair wants to have curls because it gives a different appeal. Many find curly hair sexier and sassier. It also brings a different character to the person wearing the style.
If you want to play with your hair in different occasions, it is better to purchase a professional ceramic curling iron. Since it is ceramic, it will not be damaging for your hair. The heat distribution in the rod is even.
This makes it certain that all parts of your hair get the same amount of heat, which means no portion of it will get burn. These types of iron are popular to many because it leaves your hair smooth and shiny. It is unlike the cheap mass-produced curling irons that leaves the hair dry and frizzy.
If you are not familiar with the curling irons in the market today, you might be surprise at the number of options available. They are categories according to the plating of its rod. The prices vary according to its plating as well.
There are also types of curling irons according to the size of its rod. The diameters vary from quarter of an inch to two inches. A specific size will suit your taste. The smaller the diameter of the rod, the smaller the curls it creates. Therefore, if you want to achieve smaller curls on your hair, you can use those rods with smaller diameter. However, if you want to have waves instead of curls, you can use those with bigger diameters.
Aside from using a professional ceramic curling iron, you can also curl your hair using a flat iron. Does this sound unbelievable? Try to search it in the internet and you will find several instructions on how to use a flat iron to curl your hair. Users usually use a one-inch flat iron to achieve sexy waves on their hair. This is difficult to do, which means you need a lot of practice to master the trick.
You can also curl your hair using chemicals. There are other methods to do this. You can go to your favorite salon and have your hair done. You just have to be careful with handling your hair after the treatment. You have to keep in mind that the chemicals on your hair makes it sensitive and prone to damage. Ask your hairstylist about what products to use and avoid.
Curly hair is very appealing. Even women with straight hairs want to try it. Others curl their hair from time to time using thermal devices while others try the more permanent approach. If you plan to have a curly hair for a day or for a longer period, make sure that, you know how to take care of it. It might be attractive but it can also be damaging.
About the Author: Kristy is a professional hair stylist and writer for My Hair Styling Tools, a leading supplier of
Hair Straighteners
Tourmaline Hair Dryers
and the
Ionic Curling Iron
. Visit us at: http://www.myhairstylingtools.com
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