- Independent Financial Planners Perth
By Sam Indrajaya
I admit it, getting traffic these days is very difficult because many of us get scammed by people whos telling us to attract all traffic you can find under the sky. Dont be fooled by the term traffic = sales, because not all traffic can generates sales, a bad traffic can hurt you search engines ranking and surely not getting you any sales at all.
Traffic, traffic, traffic, what can you do without traffic? In term of Web business, then getting as much traffic as possible will be your Primary concern because it will determine the life of your web business.
No traffic means no sales, its that simple and you can find literally hundreds Ways to generate traffic to your web site BUT I must warn you only to look For a targeted traffic
Why? Because there is not point on getting 1000 visitors per day but leave you With zero sales, it costs you bandwidth and time. You can attract 100 targeted visitors and still made 5 to 6 sales per day.
Now I will give you 7 practical ways to attract more targeted visitors to your web site!
1. Links exchange with other web sites.
Find other websites that related to you web site Theme, we use to called this Reciprocal link Strategy. You can implement this strategy by creatin a partners section on your web site. You can also Trade banner ads, classified Ads, pop ups, etc.
2. Start an e-zine publication for your web site.
Tell people that you will publish new articles once or twice a month, this way Your visitors will be reminded to revisit your website to read you new articles. You can put your ads in e-zines resource box so people will see your add more often, this will definitely increase your sales.
3. Submit you e-zine list to e-zines directories.
After creating your own e-zine publication you can start announcing you e-zine By submit it to all free e-zine directories on the Internet (If it is a free e-zine), just type in e-zine directories phrase on search engine to Find these e-zine directories that accept submission.
4. Create an online community.
Build an online community that will help people to solve their problems, get a quick help, This on community can be a message board, forums, e-mail discussion list or even a chat room. When people find it useful and get involved then most likely they will regularly visit your online community to communicate with each others.
5. Be an active participant on message board or forums.
Give tips or answers to other people problems, include your signature file at the end of all your postings. Because many of us encounter a lots of classical problems then its a big possibility that well still even read past issues on forums or message boards. People will see your signature file and know where to find you.
6. Write articles and submit them to e-zines or magazines that accept articles submission.
Write articles and submit them to e-zine directories will give you a good credibility and this is essential to make people trust you, and thats not the only Benefit because when you put your name and web link on your articles and give People permission to reprint your articles on their websites then in just a few days you will have many links back to you from many different sources which is Good to boost you search engines ranking and generates more targeted traffic To your web site.
7. Give away a freebie (e-book or software) with your ad on it.
You can find a re-brand-able e-book/software so people could put their name And website link on it. When people give the freebie away then this will increase Your ad exposure and attract more traffic to your website simultaneously.
About the Author: Samuel Indrajaya is the leading expert on building a profitable online home based business from scratch. He is also the author of the best selling e-book “A Step by Step Home Based Business Roadmap to Massive PROFITS! You can visit his website here:
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